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I am a junior in high school and I took Sports Physiology at Promethean Charter School. Here is a list of what I learned during this semester:


  • Self Assessments-

    • PLATO Writing Assessment, PLATO Writing Prescription

    • BSD Assessments (ACT, ASVAB, STAR-Reading & Math)

    • Routine Development & Monitoring of ILP

      • 21st Century Skills & Employability Skills (Career Cruising ePortfolio)


  • Use of Reasoning Processes, individually and collaboratively, to take responsible action-

    • Formulate a Question/Problem addressing a concern that contrast consequences of adequate and inadequate reasoning for self, others, culture/society, and global environment  (family, career, community)

    • Analyze different kinds of reasoning

      • Scientific Method

    • Include artifacts to support as evidence within project & presentation


  • Integrate use of Information, Media, & Technology  -

    • Time Management = Weekly Progress Report

    • Use technology tools to research, analyze and solve problems (GAFE)

    • Communicate digitally and collaborate with others - Google Classroom/Email/Chat

    • Formulate a semester presentation website (Talk About Your Learning)

    • Successfully complete coursework:

      • Sports Physiology


  • Learning Project - Gold-Standard and 21st Century Skill Development

    • Supports your work and progress (deeper learning, transfer knowledge & skills)

    • Evaluated routinely by Charter Director

      • Rubric to assess - addressing Driving Question/Problem, learning-to-learn, personal development, performance, and products

      • Public Presentation each semester (linked to PCS website - Student Blog)


  • ePortfolio (Career Cruising-Employability Skills)

    • Learning Styles Assessments-Career Matchmaker, My Skills, Ability Profiler (>16YO)

    • Career Cluster - include progress made on your post-high school readiness

    • Routine CC ePortfolio Updating - cover letter, resume, application

    • Evaluated monthly by Charter Director

    • Include artifacts to support as evidence within semester project & presentation


  • Community Volunteer Work Experience - 5 hours/semester

    • Summarize work done in ePortfolio


Being an Athletic Trainer requires a lot of knowledge, education,  and quick thinking. This semester I did a lot of research about this. Inside here is a list of questions that I had to answer.



Throughout the semester, I typed up research papers almost every week. They pertained completely the Athletic Training profession. These papers should cover almost everything you need to know.



In here I address the answers to the questions that are asked in the ABOUT section.

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