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Title of Experiment: Sports Nutrition


Problem/Question Statement: How does the relationship between nutrition and physical activity affect an athletes performance and aid in preventing injury?



Eating and drinking the right foods can help make the most of an athletes performance. According to OrthoInfo, they touch on the main parts of a diet that should be followed.


  • water is the most important nutrient for athletes

  • the body cannot make or store water so it constantly needs to be replenished

    • makes up 60% of body weight

  • drink about two quarts (64oz) of water daily

    • athletes need a little more

  • sports drinks with electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium should be diluted with about 50% water

  • drink small amounts more often than large amounts less often

  • cooler beverages (not sugary drinks) help reduce core temperature and sweating

  • weigh-in before and after each workout

    • Drink 16-20oz of water for every pound lost


  • both simple and complex carbohydrates are the most important source of fuel energy for the body

  • should make up 60-70% of daily calories

    • found in a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grain pasta, bread, cereal, and rice

  • the body converts carbohydrates to glucose in the body for energy and stores it in the liver and muscle tissues

  • if the body runs out of carbohydrate/glucose stored energy during exercise it will start burning fat and protein

    • causes performance level to drop

  • increase performance level by glycogen-loading muscles

    • eat a lot of complex carbohydrates several days before the event (peas, beans, whole grains, and vegetables)


  • proteins should make up around 12-15% of daily calories

    • found in foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts, and dairy products

  • the body cannot store proteins, so whatever it does not use while burning energy gets converted into fat

  • gives the body the power to build new tissues and fluids


  • should not exceed more than 20-30% of daily calorie intake

  • saturated fats include:

    • lean meats, eggs, milk, and cheese

  • unsaturated fats include:

    • vegetable oils and other vegetable products

  • the body needs small amounts of fat to use as an alternative to glucose

  • exercising at a low or moderate intensity, fat is the primary source of fuel

According to Stop Sports Injuries, they suggest that if an exercise activity lasts longer than an hour, consuming an additional >½ cup/2.5 oz/30-60 grams of carbohydrates is necessary. Eating for recovery is also necessary. They say that eating within 15 to 30 minutes after the activity, when cells are especially receptive to the uptake of glucose is beneficial. During this time, athletes should consume 1.0 to 1.5 g/kg of a rapid-acting carbohydrate (banana, fruit yogurt or high-carb energy bar) or a ratio of 0.1411 oz or 4 grams of carbohydrates to 1 gram of protein. After 30 minutes, the focus should be on combination meals including adequate carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Mayo Clinic supports these conclusions adding that eating the correct foods while coordinating all meals and drinks is needed for athletic performance and injury prevention.



Diet trends in relation to the Dietary Guidelines for American should be rich in energy sources available from various food groups for optimum athletic performance and prevention of injury.


  • Authoritative Source for Sports Nutrition Diet Plans (e.g., Dietary Guidelines for Americans, etc.)

  • Water bottle (for water intake)

  • Correct Calorie Intake from each Food Group (portions)



What is eaten affects how the body performs. Diet can help boost performance numbers or drag them down. Water is a very important nutrient that needs to be drunk at any point during the day. Balancing diet is also a must-have. Overloading on one thing and having nothing of something else is not a good thing.



It is important to eat an appropriate diet and consult with the team doctor for optimum performance. Use authoritative sources for sports nutrition information.


Works Cited:

Advanced Solutions International, Inc. Sports Nutrition,


“Fitness Sports Nutrition.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 14 Dec. 2018,


“Sports Nutrition - OrthoInfo - AAOS.” OrthoInfo,


“Appendix 8. Federal Resources for Information on Nutrition and Physical Activity.” Appendix 8. Federal Resources for Information on Nutrition and Physical Activity - 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines,

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